Customer Service

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) & Help

1.  If I don’t read this page, will I be held responsible for its contents in a payment dispute with my bank or credit card company?

Yes.  It has been shown in credit card disputes that the card holder is responsible for reading published policies BEFORE the purchase.  Payment acknowledges acceptance of these policies.  If you disagree with these policies, please use our “Contact” page (linked above) to make us aware of your issues.

We’ve attempted to write our policies in simple English and not use complicated, deceptive legal terms.  We are a small business operated by real people who do not believe in hiring an army of lawyers to write endless pages of legal entrapments to default you into agreements you don’t understand.  Corporations do this to wash their hands of all responsibility for their actions.  We believe this is ethically wrong and does not promote good will toward our customers.

2.  Do you sell the books listed for the exam?

Occasionally, we sell single copies of books we’ve used to write questions.  Direct links to where you can purchase will be located under the same purchase icon as other books on an exam research page.

3.  Do you offer any purchase guarantees?

Yes.  Please see our “Refund Policy” page for details.

4.  What about duplicate orders?

Ocassionally, a customer will either order the same product twice, order the wrong product -or- did not wait for the order confirmation emails to be received.  They thought their payment was not accepted.  In those cases, we usually see the customers name appear twice on the same day.

Of course, we will do a full refund on the duplicate(s), but, this process is NOT  AUTOMATED.  To get the refund process started, you must use our “Contact” form and let us know what happened.  We have added a subject item to the form for reporting this problem titled “I am reporting a duplicate order”

5.  Do you offer any discounts?

Yes.  50% off the second practice exam or study guide if ordered within five (5) business days.

For example:  you ordered a Business & Law set of files that did not have a book requirement for OSHA questions, then you realized that you want the OSHA questions that are required on a different exam.  You placed the second order for OSHA questions.  You will be refunded 50% of what you paid.

The refund is not automated.  Please use our contact form to notify us that you’re eligible.

6.  I can not find my downloads or “download attempts have expired”

Occasionally, we have customers contact us with this problem, “I’ve reached my download limit (5 attempts) using my phone and still can't find my files”.

Because of the nature of all the different versions of Apple iOS and Android operating systems, it would be impossible for us to know exactly where your files ended up.

Our delivery system makes a record of every download attempt.  It logs the date, time and the IP address of the device(s) you used.  This is done by our delivery provider to protect us against customers claiming that they never received their files.

Additionally, the files you will be downloading will be contained in a compressed “ZIP” file archive that only Windows, Mac or Linux desktop operating systems know how to “extract” into individual PDF files.  The display size for the text needs to be at least tablet size and preferably desktop monitor size to display properly.  A phone just won’t accomplish this.

7.  I never received the link to downloads.

There are usually two reasons this happened: (1) your e‑mail provider has tagged the two e‑mails we sent you as "SPAM" or "JUNK". For more info on this subject, please CAREFULLY re-read the instructions on the web page you were shown after purchase under the heading "What if I don't get the two emails?"

8.  Should I wait to order?

If you answer “Yes” to any of the following, you should wait to order:

  1. I am not ready to study. (see below about suggested timing of your order).
  2. I waited until the last minute and don’t have time to study. If this is the case, we recommend you re-schedule your exam.  Set aside at least thirty (30) days to study, and then order our study materials.
  3. I am ordering too far in advance The files we create oftentimes need to be re-checked for accuracy every six (6) months due to book version changes by licensing agencies and exam administrators.  There are a few states like Hawaii and Louisiana who haven’t updated their book requirements in over ten years, but this is rarely the case.

Our suggested time frame for ordering materials is no less than one month (30 days)and no more than three months (90 days) before your scheduled exam date.

9.  Why haven’t I received my receipt and download link in email?

Normally, you will receive two emails from our delivery provider  These emails are sent in a plain text format so that spam filtering/flagging is avoided.  You should receive one email with the details of what you purchased including the title of the exam (or book/statute title).  The second email will have a secure link to a server location that is unique to your order.  You have five (5) attempts to download your files.

If you can't find the emails in your JUNK or SPAM folder within twenty (20) minutes of placing your order, the most obvious reason for not receiving them is that you simply gave us a bad/mistyped e‑mail address.  If this happens, contact us immediately and we will correct your address and re-send your emails.

9.  Will I receive books or printed materials?

No. All study materials are delivered via download link as PDF (portable document format) files.  If you want your study materials printed, you must do so on your own printer or use a printing service like FedEx Office, Staples, Office Depot to print and bind your files.  We recommend calling the store before you arrive to find out what form of media they will accept (such as a USB flash drive, etc.).

10.  If I buy your Practice Exam, will the questions be the same that are on actual the test?

No.  The exact text of the exam questions are copyright protected and owned by either state government or the exam administrator.  We write our study questions from the suggested reference books and statutory codes.

We make no claims whatsoever that any of our sample questions will match questions seen on an actual exam.  If that DOES happen, it is merely by coincidence; it is not our intention to duplicate the actual exam.  If you do make the mistake of taking our study materials to an exam, they will probably be confiscated at the door AND you will forfeit all of the fees you paid.

11.  Can I use your Practice Exam at a testing location?

In most cases, NO.  There is only ONE (confirmed) exception that we know of; Washington State electrical exams.  Only use our study materials at home.

Occasionally an exam proctor may misidentify our practice exams as “inside information”.  Some unscrupulous exam prep providers have been known to send moles into an exam for the purpose of collecting copyrighted exam questions.

12.  If I memorize your questions, will I pass my test?

NO.  We advise you to STUDY our questions so you are familiar with how to quickly find the answers in the code book.  Our sample questions will help you to learn the layout of the references and know where to find the correct answers.

Remember, most exams are OPEN BOOK.  You are allowed to either take a state approved trade reference book into the exam or it will be provided at the exam location.

Designated administrators such as Prometric, ICC, ProV and PSI have strict rules about making notes in reference books.  Your personal copy may be confiscated at the door.  Make sure you read the candidate bulletin carefully BEFORE you show up for your exam so that you don’t end up re-paying exam fees.

13.  Why haven’t I received a reply to my Customer Service request?

All e‑mails (including order confirmations) are answered as quickly as volume allows and in the order they are received.  Your request may involve doing research on book titles or licensing requirements.  If this takes more than a few hours, we will send you an e‑mail you to giving an estimated amount of time it will take to do the research.

To avoid delays in answering you request, make sure you are filling out the customer service form with the same e‑mail address you used for the person who filled out the payment portion of the order form.  We do our best to answer e‑mails on the day they are received unless one of the following conditions exist:

  1. You did not respond directly to an e‑mail from “cust.service [at]”  when a reply was requested.
  2. Our e‑mails are being blocked by your e‑mail provider.
  3. You are e‑mailing before or after normal business hours.
  4. The information you supplied on your customer service request form was incomplete or did not match our order database.

14.  I know that an item in one of the questions you sent is wrong.  What should I do?

Please contact us immediately using our “Contact” page to let us know there is a problem.  Be prepared to give a detailed description of each question that you think might be wrong.

It is important to check over your study materials for accuracy as soon as you receive them.  Material content can become out-of-date in a matter of a few months.  Licensing agencies and legal requirements dictate when information changes, which requires us to update our study materials regularly.  Additionally, some questions may have been removed from your materials and purged from our database.

Please read our “purchase guarantee page” about policies that might effect old files.

15.  Why do you have so many links to Amazon book sales pages?

We have found that the book listing pages have stable URL locations. This reduces the likelihood of you clicking/tapping on a link that goes to “page not found” error messages.  Also, Amazon is a good source of “reduced cost” used copies of books.

About high prices on Amazon: if you see an outrageously priced book, DO NOT BUY on Amazon.  This is usually an attempt by an unethical seller trying to list a title that is out-of-print and may not even have possession of the physical book.  We never use links to those pages.

16.  Are you an Amazon affiliate?

No.  We do not receive any compensation from Amazon, nor do we offer any discount codes.

17.  Are you selling any online courses?

No.  Not at this time.

18.  Why don't you provide a support phone number?

We've tried to do that on several occasions.  The result was that we had too many people leaving messages asking us to repeat the information posted on the web site.

We‘ve attempted to post as much info as possible on the site that will answer the majority of questions.  If you find some missing or inaccurate info on the site, please use our CONTACT FORM to let us know where there is a problem.

19.  How often do you update web pages?

Generally, about every six months or when we find a major change to book requirements.  Exam providers do not notify customers (or us) of a new version of an exam bulletin.

The last update done for a specific exam is shown at the bottom of every web page.  If you see a date that is older than six months, we strongly recommend that you take the time to download the current version of the exam bulletin that will have a current list of books/references.

Some exam requirements never change. Example: ICC local jurisdiction exams. If ICC changes book requirements, they will give the exam a new three digit code designation and list separately from older exams.

Updated:  9/24/24

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