Licensing Exams by Trade Name - Home Link


(UUC) Underground Utility & Excavating

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Commonwealth of Virginia
DPOR Board of Contractors

9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 400
Richmond, VA  23233
(804) 367-8511
Apply for the Exam
PSI Services LLC
3210 E. Tropicana
Las Vegas, NV  89121
Phone:  (855) 340-3910
Exam Type
Exam Content
Subject Areas# of
Materials and Installation12
Surface Repair4
VA811 Utility Rules and Regulations6
Electrical Conduit Code Requirements5
Sanitary and Water Piping Code Requirements10
Total number of test questions:
Time allowed (minutes):
Scope of Work

Service that provides for the construction, repair, improvement, or removal of main sanitary sewer collection systems, main water distribution systems, storm sewer collection systems, and the continuation of utility lines from the main systems to a point of termination up to and including the meter location for the individual occupancy, sewer collection systems at property line, or residential or single-occupancy commercial properties, or on multi-occupancy properties at manhole or wye lateral extend to an invert elevation as engineered to accommodate future building sewers, water distribution systems, or storm sewer collection systems at storm sewer structures.  This specialty may install empty underground conduits in rights-of-way, easements, platted rights-of-way in new site development, and sleeves for parking lot crossings if each conduit system does not include installation of any conductor wiring or connection to an energized electrical system.  The H/H classification also provides for this function.

Books Allowed in the Exam
CFR Title 29, Part 1926 Selections (OSHA), 2013, PSI
Buy from PSI
VA Positive Response Codes, 2015, USBC
Web Page Link
VA Underground Utility Damage Prevention Act, Title 56, Ch. 10.3
Web Page Link
Design and Construction of Urban Stormwater Management Systems, 1992, ASCE,
Web Page Link
Installation Guide for Ductile Iron Pipe, 2021 (older versions superceded), DIPRA
PDF File Link
Construction Planning, Equipment and Methods, 8th Edition, 2010, Peurifoy, Schexnayder, Shapira
Buy at Amazon
Hot-Mix Asphalt Paving Handbook (AC 150/5370-14B), 2013 (supersedes 14A/2000 version), FAA/USACE
PDF File Link
PVC Pipe - Design and Installation (M23), 2nd Edition, AWWA
Buy at Amazon
International Plumbing Code, 2018, ICC
Buy at Amazon
National Electrical Code (NFPA-70), 2011, NFPA
Buy at Amazon
Virginia Underground Marking Standards, VA Utility and Railroad Safety
Web Page Link
Virginia Professional Excavators Manual, VA Utility and Railroad Safety
Web Page Link
Available Study Materials
Download OSHA Guide
PSI OSHA Selections
Study Guide

Sample questions are based on the PSI publication titled “29 CFR PART 1926 Selections, as of June 2013” (highlighted in green above).

This file contains approx. 800 sample questions.

REMINDER:  PSI uses this book for many exams they offer.  Not all sections of this code will apply to your exam.

We also include a table showing the relationship between our questions and OSHA code sections.  Corrections to the original PSI publication are noted. The index/table is available for veiwing before you purchnse from the button above.

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