Licensing Exams by Trade Name - Home Link

Conveyor Systems

Apply for the License
Mississippi Board of Contractors (MSBOC)
2679 Crane Ridge Drive, Suite C
Jackson, MS  39216
Phone:  (601) 354-6161
Exam Provider
PSI Services LLC
3210 E. Tropicana Ave
Las Vegas, NV  89121
Phone:  (800) 557-0619
Exam Type
Exam Content
Subject Areas# of
Systems & Equipment8
Tools & Fasteners5
Maintenance & Troubleshooting4
Total number of test questions:
Time allowed (hours):

In addition to the Mississippi trade-specific examination, you are required to pass the Law & Business Management Exam offered by PSI unless waived through reciprocity.

Books Allowed in the Exam
Troubleshooting and Repairing Conveyors (15402-08), 2008, NCCER
Conveyors (15401-08),, 2008, NCCER
Modern Welding, 11th Edition, 2013, Althouse, Turnquist, Bowditch
Buy at Amazon
CFR Title 29, Part 1926 Selections (OSHA), 2013, PSI
Buy from PSI
RCSC Specification for Structural Joints Using ASTM A325 or A490 Bolts, 2004, Research Council On Structural Connections
PDF File Link
ASME B20.1-2003 Safety Code for Conveyors, ASME
Book Source

NOTE:  About references #1 & 2: these titles are propietary books that can only be obtained from Pearson.  The link in the bulletin redirects to a dfferent web site that only sells online courses.  We contacted Pearson and we were told that this title can no longer be purchased from a web site.  You must call this number 800-624-0023 (option 3) and delivery will take several weeks.  PDF versions are not offered.  We believe that PSI should replace this title with a different (appropriate) title.

Available Study Materials
Download OSHA Guide
PSI OSHA Selections
Study Guide

Sample questions are based on the PSI publication titled “29 CFR PART 1926 Selections, as of June 2013” (highlighted in green above).

This file contains approx. 800 sample questions.

REMINDER:  PSI uses this book for many exams they offer.  Not all sections of this code will apply to your exam.

We also include a table showing the relationship between our questions and OSHA code sections.  Corrections to the original PSI publication are noted. The index/table is available for veiwing before you purchnse from the button above.

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